Credit Corp unscrupulous conduct

3 June 2015
Yes, Credit Corp Group, it is unlawful to take/receive payments from third parties and/or make financial arrangements without a Power of Authority, (POA), or written authority. Not even a lawyer can enter into a financial arrangement on behalf of their client without a POA/written authority and often that is not enough, in an agreement all pages are signed by the clients. There are strict laws in place.
Credit Corp Head of Operations, begs to differ stating that they have strict policies in place, who proceeded to ramble on about Credit Corp policies. But one cannot argue with fact -that they took funds and arranged payment plans with a third party.
Hence, No POA/written authority = No financial arrangement and No right to ask/receive payment from a third party - IT IS THE LAW!
And in doing this they also breach Privacy Laws.
Currently being investigated by the @ Credit & Investment Ombudsman, Credit Corp is amazingly cocky, circumventing responsibility of breaches to ASIC/ACCC rules and much more.
When they take a brazen approach to issues such as tampering of financial statements, it makes one wonder, how many times have they gotten away with this unscrupulous act? How many Australians or those around the world have they threatened, intimidated and taken full financial advantage. Most these people are already in financial strife and cannot fight back to these big corporation.
We will document and share our experience with Credit Corp and the Credit and Investment Ombudsman, who promotes they are an 'independent & fair' external Dispute Resolution Process. - However so far, they have been far from independent and impartial.
If you or anyone you know have a matter/issues/complaint about Credit Corp Group or other financial institution, or gone through the avenue of ASIC, ACCC, Financial Ombudsman and Financial Credit Ombudsman - do not hesitate to contact us and have a confidential discussion. Talk to someone who can help and have dealt with all these governing/authorising bodies.
We urge you to share this post. This unscrupulous conduct is done 'behind closed doors'. There may be someone you know that could be suffering from such act and knowing their rights is vital.
Corporations like Credit Corp thrive on humiliating, suppressing their so called 'clients' to pay whatever they have or if not, all they have without proper assessment of that person's situation and they do this ruthlessly without fear of consequences. Why is that, perhaps all these authorising/governing bodies let them get away with it. This is where public awareness,the court system and the media can help.
There are laws in place and if one does not know their rights they will be at the mercy of these corporations.
Everyone has debt and there is no shame. These unscrupulous acts are happening because it is done in the dark... it's time to bring light to this problem and perhaps change the laws....
Education is the key and we are here to help!
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